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Does Blue Electrical Tape Work for Mousetrap Cars

On this page will be all my information connected to my Mousetrap Car Design Project.

Websites used:


*From the websites I visited, there are many options for distance cars. They all show a large rear wheel and two smaller wheels in the front. Also, the ladder design in the middle showed the largest distance.


Greater distance can be achieved by:
• using a longer length lever arm
• having a large axle to large wheel ratio.
• eliminate friction

*Building a mouse trap car for distance means minimizing the wasted energy and converting more energy into displacement of the vehicle. With that in mind, I like to build cars that have very low frictional forces acting against them and are slow moving.


The most basic design is to tie one end of a string to the tip of a mousetrap's snapper arm and then the other end of the string has a loop that is designed to "catch" a hook that is glued to a drive axle. Once the loop is placed over the axle hook, the string is wound around the drive axle by turning the wheels in the opposite direction to the vehicle intended motion. As the string is wound around the axle by the turning of the wheels, the snapper's lever arm is pulled closer to the drive axle causing the mousetrap's spring to "wind-up" and store energy. When the drive wheels are released, the string is pulled off the drive axle by the mousetrap causing the wheels to rotate.

Step #1:
A string is attached to the mouse trap's lever arm and them hooked to the drive axle. The string has a loop knot tied at one end that is designed to "catch" a hook attached to the drive axle. The string's loop knot is designed so that the string can release itself after the pulling force is spent. If the axle's hook is too long or the string's loop knot is too tight , the string will not properly release from the axle causing the vehicle to suddenly stop.
Step #2:
To wind the string around the axle, the wheels are turned in the direction opposite to the motion of the vehicle's travel. It is important that the string NOT be wound loosely or it will snag itself as it is pulled from the axle by the lever arm, the string should carefully be wound tight and uniform around the axle. Do not push on the mousetrap's lever arm during this process, you want the string to be tight and to pull the lever arm over.

Step #3:
Once the car is released, the string is pulled off the axle it cause the wheels to rotate propelling the vehicle. If the mousetrap is located to close to the drive axle the wheels can spin at the start wasting energy.

*The importance for good distance and propulsion is to make sure the string is wrapped around the axis well. Also, you want the arm and the string to be long enough to release energy the lengthen the distance.

*Faster racers had hollow wheels- lightens the overall mass of the cart. It is necessary to put balloons around the CD so that is has a little bit of friction to push the ground so that in turn, the ground will push the cart. The longer the lever, the longer the time that allows the force to convert into energy. Electrical tape can be used in the same way as a balloon because it also has a rubbery surface.

Synopsis: Mousetrap cars for distance are particular. You need enerything to be light weight. Balloons/ electrical tape on the wheels help make the needed friction. Hallow wheels are good and also only having one large back wheel and two small front wheels. A thread spool is a good axel for the string with a hook. A ladder design in the middle helps with weight and making the car travel the largest distance.

Selecting a Design:

Adrianna Matyas Design Matrix
Project:Mousetrap Car Designs
Designs Tri-Wheeler Hot Wheels Quad
Weight 2 3 5
Distance 1 1 4
Difficulty 3 2 3
Time to Build 3 2 4
Totals: 11 10 19
1= Best 5= Worst

This is the matrix I developed for choosing which design would work the best. As seen in the image the Tri- Wheeler Car scored 11, the Hot Wheels car scored 10 and the quad received the highest score of 19. So decided to do a combination of the Tri- Wheeler and the Hot Wheels designs.

ProDesktop Design:

This is the design I made in ProDesktop. I combine the two designs from above to make this design. It has the chassis' angled down to the front with 2 larger wheels, and 1 smaller.


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